General Dentistry

During a routine dental checkup, your dentist examines your teeth and inside your mouth. Your dentist will check for the following:

  • Damaged, missing, or decayed teeth
  • Early signs of cavities
  • Gum condition, including signs of inflammation or signs of gum disease that can cause tooth and bone loss
  • Condition of previous dental work (i.e. root canals, fillings and crowns)
  • Early signs of mouth or throat cancer and other suspicious growths or cysts
  • Signs of teeth clenching or grinding. These are treatable problems that can cause headaches or a sore jaw. Severe cases may lead to tooth loss.
  • Health and function of your temporomandibular joint (which joins the jaw to the skull), and any pain or tenderness
  • Overall condition of your facial and jaw bones and around your mouth
  • Additionally, your dentist may examine your neck area to feel the glands and lymph nodes for possible signs of inflammation. It could be an early sign of other health issues.

General dentistry encourages proper oral hygiene and keeps the teeth strong and healthy. Regular visits to your dentist will help you maintain your oral and overall health. Scheduled cleanings will reduce your risk of encountering health issues such as infections that can develop from gum disease or tooth decay. Routine dental exams and X-rays also allow our dentists to catch problems early on, before they become painful or very expensive to treat. Whether you’re heading in for a checkup or receiving dental treatment, the team at Renew Dental in Winnipeg is here to help.

Regular visits to your dentist at Renew Dental in Bridgwater, comes with a plethora of benefits. These include:

  • Cavity Prevention: A cavity is decayed tooth structure that forms from harmful bacteria in your mouth. Regularly scheduled cleanings and dental exams at Renew Dental will help to keep your teeth clean and allow us to catch cavities early, so that they can be fixed with a filling.
  • Improves Periodontal Health: Regular cleanings remove plaque and bacteria along the gum line. This lowers your risk for periodontal disease by keeping the gums and underlying jawbone healthy. Dentists check your gums during each visit to prevent symptoms from worsening into periodontitis.
  • No More Bad Breath: Fresh breath is part of everyday life but bacteria can cause a nasty smell if left untreated. Regular dental visits will improve your breath by cleaning plaque and tartar off the surface of your teeth, reducing halitosis (bad breath).
  • A Whiter Smile: General dental visits reduces staining, which comes from the natural discolouration of worn-down and weakened enamel. A great smile builds confidence, which is another reason to come back for regular checkups.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dental procedures focus on improving the appearance of teeth. It can be a step in the right direction toward the perfect smile. Consider the following:

  • Identify Your Concerns: What bothers you about your smile and teeth? If you have concerns about a broken tooth or extra space between your teeth? Cosmetic dentistry might be right for you.
  • Do your Research: There are several treatment options for different conditions. Common procedures include veneers, whitening, crowns, bonding and recontouring. Understanding procedures can put you at ease, but it is crucial to book a consultation and receive the expert advice of your dentist. Some cosmetic procedures patients may not be eligible for and your dentist can help you determine the best treatment plan for your oral health goals and to maintain your long term oral health. So, come prepared with research and questions for your consultation and we will gladly help to find a solution that works best for you!
  • Booking a Consultation: At Renew Dental in Bridgwater, we offer several dental procedure options and are happy to provide a professional consultation to review your treatment options and oral health goals. A consultation is essential to assess your overall oral health and provide recommendations on specific cosmetic treatments that are best for each individual’s unique situation. Call or visit our office today!

  • Teeth Whitening: 6 months to 12 months
  • Dental Veneers: Up to 10 years
  • Dental Implants: Up to 25 years
  • Dental Crowns & Bridges: 5 to 10 years
  • Dentures: 7 to 8 years
  • Dental Bonding: 5 to 10 years

Prolong the life of each of these treatments by maintaining good oral hygiene, performing regular cleanings, and staying up to date with dental check-ups.

Cosmetic dental consultations share similarities with their counterparts but have some key differences. Appointments last approximately 1 hour.

The consultation will begin with evaluating your overall oral health. At Renew Dental, your dentist will ensure your teeth and gums are healthy — they provide the foundation for a long lasting, effective cosmetic solution for your smile. Additionally, your dentist will look for signs of gum disease, tooth decay and other concerns. Such issues need to be diagnosed and treated before cosmetic procedures to ensure your long-term oral health is maintained.

The process includes completing x-rays of your teeth. It will allow the dentist to better visualize any areas of concern in order to evaluate the right treatment for your individual needs. 

Communication is a vital part of any consultation. Discussing your concerns with the Renew Dental team allows us to help create the perfect solution. Some dentists use computer images or 3D models of the mouth to show what said changes will look like.

  • Teeth Whitening: Wait 48 hours before eating or drinking liquids that could stain your teeth after whitening. (i.e. coffee, tea, etc.)
  • Dental Veneers: You will experience sensitivity for up to 2 weeks after getting dental veneers. Experiencing such discomfort is normal.
  • Dental Implants: You may experience discomfort for 2-3 days after the initial implant placement. Full integration of the dental implant with your jawbone often takes anywhere from 3-6 months and is required before a crown can be placed on the implant. Dental implants can last a lifetime with proper oral hygiene.
  • Dental Crowns & Bridges: There will be mild pain and discomfort for 2-3 days after you get your crown or bridge. Sensitivity to hot and cold can last for several weeks.
  • Dentures: After getting dentures, sores are common but can be fixed by adjusting your dentures until they fit perfectly.
  • Dental Bonding: Luckily, dental bonding doesn’t require any recovery time. Continue visiting your dentist regularly to help it last longer.

Emergency Dental

An emergency condition in dentistry occurs when a problem needs immediate attention. If you notice serious symptoms, consult with Renew Dental right away. Emergency dental procedures often alleviate pain or save a tooth. Additionally, infections or abscesses that could result in life-threatening conditions are considered dental emergencies.

Yes, extreme tooth pain is considered a dental emergency. Tooth pain can be a result of many conditions. If you’re experiencing tooth pain for more than 1-2 days, consult your dentist. The condition can come from the following:

  • Cavities
  • Infections

Visiting the professionals at Renew Dental will get you the proper diagnosis and treatment plan. When left untreated, advanced cavities and infections cause the pulp tissue inside of your tooth to die. This may result in harsh pain, and an infection which can spread. 

There are several common dental emergencies. The most common ones we encounter at Renew Dental include:

  • Broken Tooth
  • Chipped or Cracked Tooth
  • Lost Bridge or Crown
  • Loose Fillings or Braces
  • Sore Wisdom Teeth
  • Bleeding Gums
  • Abscess

Several warning signs indicate that you may need a root canal. If you experience any of the following, please contact our office as soon as possible:

  • Severe pain when chewing or biting down
  • Prolonged sensitivity to hot or cold
  • Swollen gums
  • Pus drainage from your gums
  • Tooth discoloration
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • An abscess (infection) on the gums

There are times, however, when there are no, or minimal, symptoms from a chronic infection. These chronic infections are typically found by taking X-rays, which is why maintaining regular dental checkups and cleanings with your dentist is so crucial. Chronic infections can become symptomatic at any time and therefore should be treated before the infection becomes an emergency.

A root canal can last anywhere from 5 to 10 years or longer. However, it is important to maintain regular dental checkups and cleanings with your dentist in order to ensure that your teeth remain healthy and previous root canals are not starting to fail. If a root canal fails, it can require re-treatment, a procedure that is typically done with an endodontist (i.e. root canal specialist).

Our main focus at Renew Dental Winnipeg is preserving your healthy smile. Dr. DiMarco has extensive training to ensure that you receive the best quality of care.

During an emergency dental appointment, your problem will be addressed with the proper treatment. Your dentist will take the proper steps to diagnose the issue and then either complete the procedure or provide emergency medication.

At your emergency appointment, you will be asked about your medical and dental history. Your dentist may then take some x-rays. Using this information, and that gathered during their visual examination, your dentist will form a diagnosis. If time permits, the dentist may provide same day treatment. If there is not time, the dentist will prescribe medication to ensure your comfort until a time when treatment can be completed.

During the procedure, the dentist will use an anesthetic to numb the patient’s tooth and eliminate the pain of the procedure.

Next, the treatment begins. The process varies depending on the condition the patient is suffering from. 

When necessary, the dentist will provide the patient with medications. These medications often help with pain management. Others help fight infections.

Lastly, your dentist will advise about aftercare and recovery. The dentist also may schedule a follow-up appointment.

Leaving a dental emergency untreated will lead to further problems down the line. Infections can cause permanent tooth damage and costly treatments. You shouldn’t ignore the following dental emergencies:

  • Bleeding from the Mouth: If you notice bleeding, it may be an early sign of gum disease. A cut from a broken tooth may need stitches as it can become infected with bacteria.
  • Oral Sores: Also known as canker sores, oral sores usually appear on the inner parts of the lips and gums. A deep sore that lasts longer than a week can cause difficulty eating, swelling or fever when left untreated.
  • Bump in Mouth: If you notice a bump in your mouth, it could be a sign of a more serious infection. Visit your dentist to classify the bump to get treatment and ensure it’s not oral cancer.
  • Cracked or Loose Tooth: A broken tooth exposes its pulp, making it vulnerable to bacteria and infections. If ignored, you may lose your tooth and the infection can spread throughout the body or to neighbouring teeth.

Understanding how to recognize a dental emergency is essential to treatment. If you notice any of these conditions, visit the professionals at Renew Dental in Bridgwater.