
What is children's dentistry or pediatric dentistry?

Children's dentistry is any dentistry done for a patient under the age of 18 years old. Generally, when people think about it, they're considering the younger years when patients still have their baby teeth and primary teeth. And yes, we're trying to keep those healthy.

Why is it important for kids to establish good dental habits and have good dentistry experiences early in life?

The reason that's important is, just like anything else in life, when we're younger and we're children, that's when we're establishing a lot of our patterns and learning how to take care of ourselves. By establishing good routines at home, we're building the habit of staying on top of taking care of ourselves, including our teeth, to ensure they last for the rest of our life. In terms of having good dental experiences in the office, it's crucial because, when we're younger, we associate what happens to us with how things will be for the rest of our life. So whenever your child comes into our office, we aim to make sure they're having a good experience so that they relate going to the dentist as something good and fun. The last thing we want is for them to have a traumatic experience and then never want to return to the dentist. We want to ensure they have good oral health for life.

What should a child's dental routine consist of at home?

That really depends on the stage of development they're at. Early on, when they don't have teeth, we recommend washing their mouth with a warm washcloth and your finger, cleaning the gums to get rid of plaque twice a day. As their teeth start to come in, we move to brushing the teeth using a non-fluoridated child's toothpaste, and we want to brush them twice a day. Generally, as those teeth come in, there is some spacing between teeth, so we only need to focus on brushing. Later, as more teeth come in and start to touch, we also incorporate flossing into their routine, doing that once a day at night like you do for your teeth.

When should a child have their first dental appointment?

In general, we recommend six months after the first teeth come out or by age one, whichever comes first.

How does Renew Dental make kids comfortable during a dental appointment?

We try a few things to ensure comfort. First, our great team always greets your child with a smile. Once they're in the room and we start the cleaning, we explain everything to them, showing and telling them what's going to happen so they're aware and comfortable. Other things we offer include a TV in the room where we can play Netflix or cartoons to make them comfortable, and we have toys up front they can bring into the room and play with while we work on their teeth.

What dental issues are most common among children?

A big issue is fear of the unknown. They're in a new environment and doing something unfamiliar. By showing them what we'll do and letting them play with the instruments, we help them get more comfortable. In terms of dental problems, pain with teething as teeth come in is common. There can also be pain when teeth start to fall out if they're not coming out quickly and easily. Baby teeth are more prone to cavities, so decay in early baby teeth is common.

Why would a dentist recommend a root canal or a pulpotomy for a child?

A pulpotomy is common when a large cavity in a baby tooth reaches the nerve, but the nerve is still healthy. We remove the top part of the nerve because the remaining part can heal. We then put a filling in that tooth and a silver crown on top to maintain the baby tooth until it falls out. If the cavity has caused an infection, we usually need to remove the tooth. A root canal is usually done in permanent teeth, not baby teeth, to treat the entire root due to infection.

When do children lose their baby teeth?

It depends on the individual, but generally, children start losing teeth around age six to seven and usually complete by age 11 to 12. Every patient is different, so sometimes teeth fall out earlier or later. As long as you're coming in regularly, we'll keep an eye on those teeth and x-rays to ensure adult ones are forming properly and guide you through that transition.

What should I do if my child chips a tooth?

We like for kids to come in for an exam if they experience any trauma so we can examine the chip and the rest of the teeth. Sometimes a chip might be visible, but there could be underlying damage or issues. If it's a small chip, we might leave it if parents aren't concerned about its appearance. For larger chips or if there's concern, we can do a small filling to restore the area.

What anesthesia options are available for children's dental procedures?

Just like with adults, we give numbing or freezing, depending on the procedure, so the patient is frozen and comfortable. If anxious, we offer nitrous oxide sedation or laughing gas for children over six. This gas helps them feel more relaxed while remaining conscious and aware. If this isn't enough, we refer to a pediatric dentist with other sedation modalities. They might use general anesthesia to put your child to sleep and complete dental care at once, avoiding multiple visits.

How can I schedule a dental appointment for my child?

Just like you do for yourself, you can call or email our office using any contact method that works best for you, and we'll schedule a cleaning and exam to look at all their teeth.


Gentle and Compassionate Children’s Dentistry

Everyone, regardless of age, deserves access to high-quality dental care. That’s why we offer specialized services for children and the whole family. Our team is experienced in treating patients of all ages and is dedicated to providing gentle, compassionate care.

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Little Teeth Need Big Care

We understand the importance of early oral health for children. Our comprehensive children’s dentistry services cover infants, toddlers, and children of all ages to promote optimal oral development. We offer a range of treatments specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of our youngest patients, including preventive measures that lay the foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles. Children’s dental health is a crucial aspect of their overall development, and we strive to help them achieve and maintain excellent oral hygiene. To further our commitment to your child’s better oral health, their first dental exam at Renew Dental under the age of three is free!

Creating a Welcoming and Comfortable Environment

We know that dental visits can be challenging, especially for children. That’s why we go the extra mile to create a welcoming and comfortable environment at Renew Dental. Our clinic features a dedicated play area for kids to make their visit more enjoyable. Our friendly staff, many of whom are experienced parents themselves, excel at making children feel at ease throughout their dental appointments. We also offer a variety of TV streaming options to help distract and entertain patients during procedures. Whether you’re undergoing dental treatment or accompanying your child, you can watch TV and engage in pleasant conversations with our staff.

Let Your Best Smile Shine at Renew Dental in Bridgwater

When you visit Renew Dental in Bridgwater you’ll be greeted by a team of professionals who truly care about you and your oral health. Let us help you renew your smile with preventative dental care and personalized solutions.

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